Chandigarh March 27, 2019

The inaugural session of the two day national seminar on “Gender and
Disability” organised by Department of Community Education and
Disability Studies, Panjab University Chandigarh started with the
welcome address by Dr. Dazy Zarabi, Chairperson of the department. She
discussed the objectives of the National seminar and welcomed the
delegates from different states.
Mrs. Rajinder Kaur, Deputy Director, Adult Education Department
Chandigarh Administration and member CCPCR highlighted that people
with disability in general are denied many rights like those of a
love, spouse, parent and so on.
Dr. Jitender Grover, Dean Faculty of Education, Panjab University,
Chandigarh delivered the presidential address wherein he stressed that
Gender and Disability are both a state of mind. It was also emphasized
that lack of proper infrastructure makes a person ask for help which
also affects their self esteem.
Dr. Kuldip Singh Principal, Panjab University Constituent College,
Nihal Singh Wala, Moga brought out that a woman is not born, she moves
from being girl to be a woman through societal practices. He also said
woman need to protect their kind. He gave example of Amrita Pritam and
Dalip kaur Tiwana from Punjabi literature. He very boldly highlighted
some facts of our society which people practised but don’t talk about.
Dr. B.S Chavan, Director Principal, GMCH Sector- 32 Chandigarh is
actively working for protecting the rights of women and disabled
children. He has setup homes for the disabled and homeless girl/women
across Chandigarh, Aavas and Aashreya are two such places. He
presented a report of initiatives taken by GRIID, Sector- 31,
Chandigarh for rehabilitation of persons with disabilities in
Later the Panel Discussion on Sociological, Economic, Political,
Policy and Legal Perspectives of Gender and Disability was held which
had panelists Dr. S K Prasad: Deputy Chief Commissioner, Office of the
Chief Commissioner for persons with disabilities, New Delhi, Prof. Raj
Kumari Gupta: Department of Education, Panjab University, Chandigarh,
Dr. Priti Arun: Joint Director, GRIID, Sector 31, Chandigarh, Prof.
Sangita Bhalla: University Institute of Legal Studies, Panjab
University, Chandigarh, Dr. Ameer Sultana: Assistant Professor
Department cum Centre for Women’s Studies & Development, Panjab
University, Chandigarh.