Friday, March 14

DATED 19.03.2019 :

Two arrested for consuming liquor at public place

Two different cases U/S 68-1(B) Punjab Police Act 2007 & 510 IPC have been registered in PS-I.T Park, Chandigarh against two persons who were arrested while consuming liquor at public place on 18.03.2019. This drive will be continuing in future, the general public is requested for not breaking the law.

One arrested under NDPS Act

Crime Branch of Chandigarh Police arrested Yograj @ Yogi R/o # 535, Village- Burail, Chandigarh from near T-Point, Sector-45/C, Chandigarh andrecovered 4.50 gram Heroine from his possession on 18.03.2019. A case FIR No. 70, U/S 21 NDPS Act has been registered in PS-34, Chandigarh. Investigation of the case is in progress.

Action against Gambling/Satta

Chandigarh Police arrested Karna R/o # 24, Phase-3, BDC, Sector-26, Chandigarh, Vijay R/o # 18, Shastri Nagar near Gas agency, Sector-26, Chandigarh and Rajan R/o # 148/A, Phase-3, BDC, Sector-26, Chandigarh while they were gambling at ground near MC Office, Phase-1, Industrial Area, Chandigarh on 18.03.2019. Total cash Rs. 3,790/- was recovered from them. In this regard, a case FIR No. 76, U/S 13-3-67 Gambling Act has been registered in PS-Ind. Area, Chandigarh. Later they were released on bail. Investigation of the case is in progress.

Chandigarh Police arrested Rajesh R/o # 174, Phase-3, BDC, Sector-26, Chandigarh, Karna R/o # 1428, Mauli Jagran Complex, Chandigarh and Naga Muthu R/o Guru Nanak Colony, Jagatpur, Distt.- Mohali, Punjab while they were gambling near CTU Workshop, Phase-1, Industrial Area, Chandigarh on 18.03.2019. Total cash Rs. 4,040/- was recovered from them. In this regard, a case FIR No. 77, U/S 13-3-67 Gambling Act has been registered in PS-Ind. Area, Chandigarh. Later they were released on bail. Investigation of the case is in progress. 

MV Theft

          Sarabjit Ram R/o # 3167, First Floor, Sector-27/D, Chandigarh reported that unknown person stolen away complainant’s Pulsar motor cycle No. GJ-05MN-3974 while parked near his residence on night intervening dated 17/18.03.2019. A case FIR No. 59, U/S 379 IPC has been registered in PS-26, Chandigarh. Investigation of the case is in progress.

Harmanjot Singh R/o # 2385/B, Block-39, Sector-63, Chandigarh reported that unknown person stolen away complainant’s bullet motor cycle No. PB-13S-7006 while parked near his residence on night intervening dated 03/04.03.2019. A case FIR No. 22, U/S 379 IPC has been registered in PS-49, Chandigarh. Investigation of the case is in progress.


A person resident of Village-Khuda Ali Sher, Chandigarh reported that his daughter age about 16 years has been missing from his residence since 17.03.2019. A case FIR No. 51, U/S 363 IPC has been registered in PS-11, Chandigarh.  

A person resident of Village-Maloya, Chandigarh reported that his son age about 13 years has been missing from his residence since 17.03.2019. A case FIR No. 37, U/S 363 IPC has been registered in PS-Maloya, Chandigarh.


Pardesi @ Chunnu R/o # 1160, First Floor, Sector-52, Chandigarh alleged that Gogi, Gunga, Titu, Vijay, Anil, Ajju and Veeru entered in his residence and beaten, threatened complainant and also robbed 01 mangal sutra, 01 pair silver anklets and cash Rs. 50,000/- on 18.03.2019. They further kidnapped complainant and demanded extortion money from his mother. Later complainant escaped from their confinement. A case FIR No. 65, U/S 450, 394, 342, 346 IPC has been registered in PS-36, Chandigarh. Investigation of the case is in progress.