Saturday, March 1

Com Somya Dutta, General Secretary AIBOC having a membership of 320000 members across India today inagurated the Ist Global Banking Trade union convention in collaboration with The Global Labour University at Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.

Trade union leaders from Germany, Brazil, Malaysia , Nepal and affiliated with AIBOC participated in the three day convention from 17/03/2019 to 19/03/2019.

During the three day convention Financial experts as well as Trade union stalwarts will be sharing their views on the topics : 
A decade after the Global Financial Crises.

Experience of Bank Merger.

Movement to save Public Sector Banks.

Technological  changes in the banking industry as well as challenges before the Public Sector Banks along with other burning issues.

Sh Sanjay Sharma, Sh Rajiv Sirhindi, Sh Suresh wali, Sh T S Saggu, Sh Priyavrat and Sh Harvinder Singh participated in the global convention from SBI Officers Association, Chandigarh Circle.