Today, three dreaded criminal have been arrested on production warrant in one attempt to murder case of Police Station-39 which was registered in the month of September 2018. The case was registered on the complaint of Sunil Khassa S/o Shri Fateh Singh R/o #329, Sector-40, Chd in which, he reported that gangster Krishan @ Gatha with other has attacked on him with fire arms in Sector-40, Chd and a FIR No. 375 dated 17.09.2018 U/S 307, 34 IPC and U/S 27/54/59 of Arms Act was registered against Krishan @ Gatha & Others. The accused Krishan @ Gatha was arrested by the Crime Branch, Sonepat alongwith his accomplishes. Today, accused Krishan @ Gatha S/o Ram Phal #Uttam Nagar, Distt-Sonepat(HR) Age-31 yrs, Pawan @ Pauna S/o Ram Phal #Madina Distt-Sonepat (HR) Age-35 Yrs and Amit @ Mota S/o Shri Mahesh #Harsana Kalan, Distt-Sonepat (HR) Age-19 Yrs were arrested on production warrant and produced before the Hon’ble Court of Shri Jaspreet Singh, JMIC, U.T. Chd, where one day police remand has been taken of all the three accused person.Attachments area
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