Friday, March 14

Chandigarh February 27, 2019
        On the second day of three day workshop on “Numismatics : Study and Research’ organised by  the Department of Ancient Indian History, Culture & Archaeology (AIHC&A), Panjab University, Chandigarh  in collaboration with the Department of Archaeology and Museums, Haryana and Indian Council of Historical Research, New Delhi, the  Academic session on 27th February, 2019, it was chaired by Prof.S.S. Saini, Head Department of Ancient Indian History, Culture & Archaeology, Kurukshetra University. 
        Prof. Saini highlighted the importance of research methodology.  In this session the Research Scholars  and students from various Universities  of  India and abroad presented their research papers.  
        First paper was presented by Mr. Jappen Oberoi, Research Scholar of AIHC & A, Panjab University on ‘Prakasaditya and the case of Mistaken Identity’.  
        Ms ShriyaGautam, an independent scholar from Oxford presented a paper  on the “ Scientific techniques to study Ancient Indian Coins”.  She highlighted the significance of Archaeomettalurgyin the field of numismatics. 
         Several other students also presented papers on different aspects of 
        The afternoon session began at the Museum of the Department of AIHC & A on the techniques of minting coins by Sh. Ravi Shankar Sharma, Secretary, Numismatics Society of  Calcutta. He gave presentation on various techniques of minting coins and then began a  practical session.  The students and the faculty members participated actively in this workshop and minted coins using techniques like die struck, repousse 
and droplet method.  The Numismatic Society of Calcutta has put up a exhibition of rare coins in the Museum of the department.  The students were made aware about how to distinguish between real and a fake coin.
          The technical session was full of practical experience. The lively 
interaction with the scholars who have come from different corners of the country, marked the success of the second day of the workshop.