Friday, March 14

Chandigarh February 27, 2019

            The issue of IAF strike in Pakistan, dominated the proceedings of declamation contests in PU today as participants spoke at K.K. Grover and A.C.Bali Declamation Competition organized by Department of Hindi, today at Gandhi Bhawan. A total of 37 students from various colleges and university departments participated in the event.

             Dr. Gurmeet Singh, Chairperson, Dept. of Hindi, informed that, Professor Nandita Singh, Dean International Students, P.U was the chief guest for the K.K. Grover contest and Professor Baijnath Prasad presided over the session. He also informed that Professor R.K. Singla, Dean Research, PU was the chief guest for the A.C. Bali Contest and Dr Ashok Kumar presided over the session.

            The K.K Grover and A.C. Bali Declamation Contest is an annual event conducted by Department of Hindi and provides an opportunity for students to showcase their oratory skills. It also provides a platform to voice their opinions and ideas on socially relevant and topical issues. In the K.K. Grover Declamation Contest today, Bhumika (UILS) bagged the first position; Neha (Master Tara Singh College, Ludhiana) stood second and Rachna (Hindi dept) took the third position. In the A.C.Bali Declamation Contest; Richa singh(Master Tara Singh College Ludhiana) stood first, Kumar Gautam (UILS) stood second and Rinku kumari ( SCD College, Ludhiana) stood third. The winners will be rewarded in the annual convocation of the Panjab University. The judges for today’s event were esteemed faculty members from Panjab University- Dr. Pankaj Shrivastav from Dept of Philosophy, Dr. Ali Abas from Dept of Urdu, Dr. Vinod Chaudhary from Dept of Sociology, Dr. Namita Gupta from Center for Human Rights and Duties, Dr. Praveen Goyal from UIET and Dr. Bhavneet Bhatti from SCS. The program was anchored by Manjinder and Shakuntala, research scholars from the Department. The program concluded with distribution of certificates and Dr. Gurmeet Singh presented the vote of thanks. Faculty from different departments of PU also attended the function.