Chandigarh February 18, 2019

International Gian Workshop on “Primary Immunodeficiency diseases from
bench to bedside” started today in the Department of SAIF/CIL, Panjab
University. Prof. Dr.Nima Rezaei, a leading scientist is the guest
faculty from Tehran University of Medical Science, Iran. Prof. Raj
Kumar, Vice Chancellor, PU and Prof. Jagat Ram, Director PGI sent
their blessings for the success of prestigious GIAN workshop.

Prof. S.K.Mehta, Director SAIF/CIL and Local GIAN Coordinator started
the inaugural proceedings by welcoming the august gathering and
sharing the importance of the workshop in today’s world. He introduced
the audience to the GIAN scheme and various GIAN programmes which were held so far. Prof. Mehta encouraged the participants to
enthusiastically participate in such workshops, conferences and
symposium as theylay a foundation for future collaborations in terms
of research and development.
Prof. Dr. Surjit Singh, In charge Paediatric Centre at PGIMER,
Chandigarh, as Course Coordinator welcomes the participants and read
out message of Director PGI. Dr. Amit Rawat from PGI introduced Prof.
Dr. Nima Rezaei, the foreign faculty. Prof. Nima Rezaei in his address
mentioned about his previous collaborations with Prof. Surjit Singh
and Dr. Amit Rawat. He elaborated about the Primary immunodeficiency
diseases and thanked the coordinators for inviting him to India for
this course. Prof. Rezaei hoped this workshop to be an interactive
platform for all the participants. He mentioned that it was his dream
to visit India. Thereafter,
The 5-day schedule of the activities of the workshop was explained by
Dr. Deepak B Salunke, joint Course Coordinator. He told the audience
about the achievements of Prof. Razaei in such a young age, who has
over 700 publications so far. The inaugural function concluded with a
group photograph.