Today Chandigarh Youth Congress protested against BJP who failed to deliver Smart City to Chandigarh which led to Chandigarh being ranked 67th in Smart city rankings which is a big disgrace to the city beautiful. Chandigarh Youth Congress Spokesperson Abhishek Shanky said at the time of Pawan Bansal chandigarh ranked 1st but its a shame how BJP has been bragging about Smart City but failed yet again. Indian Youth Congress incharge Vinit Kamboj was also present during the protest along with Love Kumar , Priti Kesri , Sanjiv Birla , Jaanu Malik , Navdeep Singh , Ashish Gajnavi , Sandeep Singh Honey , Ashwani Bahot , Gaurav Vashisht , Pardeep Kumar , Vinayak Bangia , Dheeraj Gupta , Daman Nagpal , Gurminder Gullu , Ashu Attri , Vivek Sagar , Hardam Uppal , Sandeep Daria and other youth leaders
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