Saturday, March 15

Chandigarh February 6, 2019

            The Prestigious Indo French workshop under the banner of Indo French Center, which is created jointly by the Department of Science and Technology, Govt of India and  Ministry of External and Culture Affairs, Govt. of France  concluded today after brain storming sessions during last three days. 

            During the three day workshop, various noted and eminent scientists spoke on the topics of Nuclear Physics. The prominent speakers included Prof. Joerg Aichelin from Nantes, France, Prof. Christoph Hartnack from France, Prof. Leifels from Germany, Prof. Bratkovskaya from Germany, Prof. Lopez from France, Prof. Napolitani from France.

            Prof. Rajeev Puri, Chief coordinator of the workshop told that the French and German delegates including the Director of Indo French Center  had series of meetings with Prof. Raj Kumar, Vice- Chancellor, Panjab University(PU). Apart from Physics, another important part was that both French/ German and Indian delegate stressed need for joint collaborative projects.

            Prof. Rajeev Puri, The Indian Chief Coordinator along with Vice Chancellor Prof. Raj Kumar, Prof. Devender Mehta, Dean Sciences and Prof. Aichelin, French Chief Coordinator will initiate platform for French-Indo and German –Indo MOU and also collaborative projects that will benefit students and faculty of Panjab University.

            It was further agreed upon to explore the possibility of joint Indo-French  Research center at PU  which can be a milestone for the faculty and students of the region.

            Prof. Puri and Prof Aichelin agreed to also explore possibility for joint Ph.D. Programs with France and India so that students can work in both countries.  It was also discussed to look for the Nuclear Engineering program of the France where M.Sc/ BTech students of PU can participate. The European Union also offers more than 20 Scholarships for Nuclear Engineering programs

            Prof. Leifel who is  head of the many giant projects at GSI, Germany, the world largest facility for Nuclear Physics along with Indian Chief Coordinator, Prof. Puri will explore for  possibility of MOU with Panjab University so that  local faculty and students  can also work at GSI.   Large number of countries have pumped  thousands of crore of rupees in the facility of GSI.

            This Indo French workshop, which was first of its kind at Panjab University, has set the ball for large research possibilities with initiatives of Prof. Rajeev Puri from Panjab University and Prof. Aichelin from Nantes, France. It is worth mentioning that Prof Rajeev Puri was the first scientists  who was awarded Indo French project   worth of Rs. 1 crore in 2012.