Friday, March 14

Chandigarh, January 29,2019:

With the aim of mopping up additional resources, the Punjab Cabinet led by Captain Amarinder Singh on Tuesday gave approval to enhance the registration fee of various documents related to a number of Sale Deeds under the Registration Act, 1908.

Fees of all the Articles of Article of Table of Registration Fees under the Registration Act, 1908 will be increased following the approval, barring under Article 1 (b) that relates to all compulsory registrable documents (other than leases of immovable property).

The State Government will now submit the draft notification to Legal and Legislative Affairs Department for issuing the requisite notification in this regard. The present and proposed revised fee of various documents is given below:

Documents Present Rate Proposed Rate
Article. 1.- For the Registration of Document. In Book 1, the registration of non-testamentary document relating to immovable property    
For all optionally Registrable documents except leases; Rs. 200.00 Rs. 400.00
For all compulsorily Registrable document (other than leases of immoveable property) 1 per cent of the value of the document, subject to a minimum of Rs.50/- and maximum of Rs.2,00,000/- 1 per cent of the value of the document, subject to a minimum of Rs.50/- and maximum of Rs.2,00,000/-
If the value or consideration be only party expressed (in addition to the advalorem fee as above on the value or consideration money expressed); andIf the value or consideration be not at all expressed Rs.200.00


In Book No.3, register of wills and authorities to adopt- (a)- authorities to adopt- (b)- for the registration or will (3) In Book No.4, miscellaneous register for documents under clauses (d) and (f) of section 18 of the Registration Act 1908.   All non-testamentary instrument relating to Book IV including sale certificate presented for registration in original. For the registration of special power of attorneyFor the registration of a general power of attorney.For the registration of an adoption deed.For the registration of any other document, which cannot be brought under the ad valorem scale prescribed by the preceding clauses of the Table i.e. which is incapable of valuation; andFor the registration of Trust deed

  Rs.500.00 Rs.2000.00

  Rs.50.00   Rs.200.00   Rs.2000.00   Rs.100.00

  Half of the amount of stamp duty, payable on the deed of this nature, subject to a minimum of fifty rupees.

  Rs.1000.00 Rs.4000.00

  Rs.100.00   Rs.400.00   Rs.4000.00   Rs.200.00

  Full of the amount of stamp duty, payable on the deed of this nature, subject to a minimum of hundred rupees.
Article.II- For inspection or searches under section 57 :- General search for inspection of any number of entries or documents relation to one and the same property or executed by or in favour of one and the same individual:-    
For the first year in the books of which search is made Rs.20.00 Rs.40.00
For every other year in the books of which search is continued. Rs.10.00 Rs.20.00
Maximum Rs.500.00 Rs.1000.00
Article. III- For making or granting of copies of reasons, entries or documents (in English, Urdu, Punjabi or Hindi) before, on or after registration.   (i) When pages do not exceed five and not more than twenty years old.For every page in excess of five pages which are not more than twenty years oldWhen pages do not exceed five pages and are more than twenty years old.   For every page in excess of five pages which are more than twenty years old.Pasting fee










Article IV- For discretionary registration under section 30:- By the Registrar of the District under sub-section (1);By the Registrar whose jurisdiction is extended to the whole of India.

  Rs.10.00   Rs.10.00

  Rs.20.00   Rs.20.00
Article V: For the issued of commission and for attending at private residence; 1) When a satisfactory certificate is produced as to sickness or infirmity 2) When the person to be examined is in jail 3) In all other cases


  Rs.7.00   Rs.14.00


  Rs.15.00   Rs.30.00
Article VI – For filing translations Rs.2.00 Rs.4.00
Article VII – For deposit, withdrawal and opening of sealed wills:-    
When deposited in sealed cover under section 42 Rs.2000.00 Rs.4000.00
When withdrawn under section 44 Rs.2000.00 Rs.4000.00
When open under section 45 Rs.2000.00 Rs.4000.00
Article VIII – For the authentication of a power of Attorney under section 33 If such power is generalIf special

  Rs.5.00   Rs.2.50

  Rs.10.00   Rs.5.00
Article X – For the safe custody of documents remaining unclaimed after registration or after registration is refused:- When application for return of registered documents or of a document the registration of which has been refused is made more than one month from the date of such registration of refusal & for delay in applying for the return of such document beyond one month for each forthight or fraction thereof:-

  If application be made on of after the first May & on or before 14th May    If application be made on or after the 15th May & on or before 28th May      If application be made on or after the 29th May & on or before 11th June.If application be made on or after the 12th June on or before the 25th June.









