Friday, March 14

Rakesh Shah
Chandigarh January 29, 2019

                The department of English and Cultural Studies and
Dean, International Students, PU in collaboration with Alliance
Francaise organised a lecture on the topic ‘Land and Territories in
the thought of Deleuze and Guattari’.

                The chairperson of the English Department Prof. Deepti
Gupta gave a formal welcome to the guest speaker professor Manola

                Professor Antonioli is currently a philosophy
professor at the Ecole Nationale Superieure d’Architecture de Paris-la
Villette and researcher at the UMR LAVUE 7218CNRS.

                Miss Renuka George was the translator for the guest speaker.

                Professor Manola spoke on how earth influences the way
we see space and territory. She focused primarily on geocentricism and
geophilosophy. She also talked about territorialisation and
deterritorialisation in her lecture.

                The lecture was concluded with a Q/A session. Dr Meenu
Gupta, Faculty, Department Of English was the convener for the event
and proposed a vote of thanks. The event was attended by an audience
of around a hundred.