Chandigarh January 28, 2019
Department of Chemistry, Panjab University(PU), Chandigarh organized Bhagyatara Award Ceremony, here today. Prof. Raj Kumar, Vice Chancellor, PU presented the Bhagyatara Award to Dr. Akkattu T. Biju, Associate Professor, Department of Organic Chemistry, IISC, Bangalore.
PU VC congratulated Dr Biju, for winning a prestigious award. He also encouraged the faculty and young researchers about the importance of research for the welfare and betterment of society. He urged all for integrating and consolidating all knowledge domains for the growth of Industry, Society and Nation.
Prof. K.N. Singh, Chairman, in his welcome address, gave the background details about the award and informed that the award which started in 2002, is given every year by PU for research in the area of Organic Chemistry/Biochemistry/ Pharmaceutical Chemistry/Dairy Chemistry and the selected Awardee gets Rs. 50,000/- .
The Awardee is selected on the basis of the merit of his/her research work evaluated by a panel of Experts from among the Nominations received from different Universities/Research Institutes form all over India.
Dr. Akkattu T. Biju delivered the Bhagyatara Award Lecture on Organocatalysis Using N-Heterocyclic Carbenes(NHCs).
Dr. Shankarji Jha, the Dean of University Instructions, PU congratulated Dr. Biju and also encouraged the research activities at the Department.
All Senior PU Officials, faculty members, Researchers and students were present on the occasion
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