A Cleaniness drive has been conducted at Mehar Chand Mahajan Boys
Hostel No.1, the drive was started at 10 am today. The residents of
hostel, all the employees as well as mess and canteen workers
participated with enthusiasm.

Story and photo by Rakehs Shah
The premises and surrounding of hostel was cleaned and a message to
the residents was passed regarding the need of clean and green

photo by Rakehs Shah
The drive was lead by Prof. Emanuel Nahar, Dean student welfare (DSW)
and Dr. Rajeev Kumar (Warden BH 1), Dr. Sanjeev ( Warden BH -3), and
Professor M. C. Sidhu, Deptt. Of Botany sensitized residents about
cleaniness in hostel soundings.

Prof. Nahar, DSW also appreciated the initiative taken by the
hostel residents and staff.