Monday, March 10

A meeting to discuss on the points in connection with the forthcoming New Year Celebrations was convened at Conference Hall of PHQ, Sector-9, Chandigarh under the chairmanship of Ms. Nilambari Jagadale, IPS, Senior Superintendent of Police and the same was attended by the Manager, Organizers & owners of the all prominent hotels, clubs, Restaurants, Malls etc. and Police Officers/Officials. The members from different establishments have attended the meeting. During the meeting, all the organizers were apprised regarding the arrangements to be made and security measures/precautions to be taken by them at and around their Hotels/Clubs/Restaurants on 31.12.2018. 


  • Emphasis was laid on NO drunken driving. The Managers were informed that the strict nakas would be put across to check drunken driving and they were encouraged to advise the customers not to indulge in any illegal activities. Also it was advised that they should assist the customers in ensuring safe driving. Adequate arrangements be made in this regard, which may include prior arrangement of Cab/Taxis, at least one sober companion and at last police help by dialing No. 100. 
  • If any female needs help, Restaurants, Bars, Pubs etc., owners/managers are directed to call 100/1091 for Chandigarh police pick and drop facility. 
  • During the meeting, owners/managers of Hotels, Restaurants, Bars, Pubs etc., have been directed to take identities of customers to ensure safety measures. 
  • lt was strongly affirmed by SSP/Chd that no sale of liquor to a person below the age of 25 years should be allowed. In this regard, owners were directed to install/display sign board at a visible point on the entry of their establishment.
  • Timing of functions should be strictly maintained as permitted by the Office of District Magistrate, U.T, Chandigarh.
  • In case the programme is organized in the open ground, the venue of the function should be properly barricaded, well lit and sound limit and timing should be adhered to. 
  • It was told to all that safety of a woman is of top priority. The owners of the establishments were advised to make arrangements for the safe passage and dispersal of guests especially woman, apart from the arrangement made by the police. 
  • CCTV cameras are mandatory to be installed at venue, entry/exit points and parking areas of the venue. A cameraman for video-grapy should be available in all the venues for proper coverage of the programme.
  • If any celebrity/VIP visits/comes to attend the function, the owners/managers of establishments/hotel/restaurant etc. will inform the concerned DSPs as well as SHOs and Police Stations.
  • It was directed by the SSP/Chd the SHO’s would ensure in their respective jurisdiction that the wine shop/Ahatas will be closed timely as per the legal guidelines. A citizen can take help of local police by informing them if he/she finds non-compliance of this rule/Guideline.  
  • All concerned officers including SDPOs, SHOs and I/C PPs were directed to liaise with the establishments/ hotels/ restaurants/ pubs, take stock of the actual situation and ensure the compliance of all advisories issues which are required for the safety and security of the citizens and ensure that all the arrangement done in this regard i.e. installation of CCTV cameras, lighting system at the entry and exit points, parking area are in proper place.
  • The owners were advised to employ additional staff to assist them in smooth occurrence of the year end event, which may include female bouncers, private security guards, ushers at the parking area etc
  • Organizers to deploy Security Guards, Bouncers and lady Bouncers at the venue of party and they will be briefed not to manhandle anybody or take law in their hands. Persons creating nuisance will be apprehended and handed over to the police deployed nearby the event.  
  • All organizers to ensure that no person is allowed to carry any type of weapon inside the venue. 
  • Proper placement of Fire fighting / fire extinguisher equipments at and around the venue.