Saturday, March 15

Today, i.e. on  19.11.2018  a training programme  on the topic of “ Sensitization of Police Personnel on Animal Laws (The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960)”  was organized  in Recruit Training Centre, Sector-26, Chandigarh in collaboration with Society of Prevention of Cruelty on Animals   under the guidance of Sh. Sanjay Benwal, I.P.S., D.G.P., U.T., Chandigarh in which 125 Police officers/officials (Sub Inspectors, Assistant Sub Inspectors, Head Constables  and Constables) of Chandigarh Police have participated.

Dr. Baljeet Singh, M.Vsc., Veterinary Officer from Animal Husbandry Department,  Chandigarh,  delivered the lecture and interacted with  the participants on the  reduction of human-animal conflict and sensitization to animal cruelty. This included issues like overloading of horse carts, overworking donkeys, abandonment and abuse to domestic animals. He further discussed how the Police can support animal welfare officers appointed by the Animal Welfare Board of India. In addition to that Police officers are also sensitized about the implementation of various Sections of The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960.

The main objective of this training programme was to sensitize the Police officers/officials to prevent the cruelty on animals.