Jubiliant DAV School (Lahore),Sector-8 ,Chandigarh boys Under-19 Lawn Tennis team players Krishan Hooda , Shashi kanth & Naresh with his Sports Teacher & Coach Shubkaran Beniwal Wins the Title of UT Education Deptt State Inter School under-19 Lawn Tennis Tournament organised by Chandigarh ( UT) Education deptt. Under the aegis & recignised by the School Games Federation of India (SGFI) ,Ministry of Sports & Ministry of HRD,Govt.of India played at Chandigarh here today. In the Final match DAV School (Lahore),Sector-8,Chandigarh beat DAV Model School,Sector-15,Chandigarh. In the Final match Krishan hooda of DAV School (Lahore ) Sector-8,Chandigarh beat Yuvraj Singh of DAV School,Sector-15,Chandigarh by 7-5 & 6-3 and Shashi kanth Rajput also of DAV School (Lahore) ,Sector-8, beat Aakashit of DAV Model School,Sector-15 by 6-4 & 6-2.
- एस.सी. समाज की बात करने वाले नेताओं को डराया और धमकाया जा रहा है : बीरपाल
- सांसद डॉ. साहनी ने आज पंजाब विजन 2047 रिपोर्ट जारी की
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