Wednesday, March 12

Ferozepur, October 1, 2018:

A deputation of Ravana Sena Punjab led by Chetan Makrakas, District Secretary, submitted a memorandum to the Deputy Commissioner against the burning of Lankapati Mahatama Ravana.

The burning of an effigy of Ravana is not something new.  It has been happening in India for over 500 years and is not done for any vindictive reasons but merely as a celebration of our culture, said member of Dushera Celebrations Committee.

It is an old tradition which is observed across the Hindu world.  In fact, it marks the slaying of Ravana by Lord Rama and is a tribute to the triumph of good over evil. The practice is particularly adhered to in northern Indian and traditionally involves burning an effigy of Ravana, who kidnapped Rama’s wife Sita, his giant brother, Kumbhkarna and his son, Meghnath. The effigy is usually filled with firecrackers and set alight at dusk.

Added here, the Mathura based organization – Lankesh Bhakt Mandal has already written to PM Modi and CM  Yogi saying the practice is an insult to a great Shiva devotee that Ravana was also and against Hindu rituals which proscribe burning of a man, even if symbolically, who has already been cremated.  Besides, it is also against the BJP government’s Clean India Mission.

The members of Ravana Sena Punjab said we oppose the burning the effigy of Ravana on Dushera festival and demands to put a ban on this tradition.  They also said that in case the request is not heeded, the would resort to protest besides taking up the matter with the Human Rights Commission.

Present among others as a deputation were – Rahesh Bheel, Ait Dravid, Naresh Atikaya, Rahul Adivanshi, Sudhi Dravid, Sandeepl Sindhwasi, Rajesh Dravid, Ravi Lankesh, Monan Dass and Arun Bheel.

Now after S.C. human right commission will decide The Hindu sentiments and traditions this is ‘Loktantra’