Thursday, March 13

Traffic Advisory, 27.9.2018


In view of heavy flow of incoming traffic on Jan Marg from Kissan Bhawan Chowk to Cricket Stadium Chowk during morning peak hours on working days, it has been decided to close the two intersections connecting Sectors 22 and 23 on this stretch using moveable barricades for one hour i.e. 8.30 AM to 9.30 AM on all working days from 01.10.2018 onwards, in larger public interest.

Motorists coming out of Sector 23 onto Jan Marg shall have to take mandatory left turn towards Cricket Stadium Chowk. Similarly, motorists coming out of Sector 22 onto Jan Marg shall have to take mandatory left turn towards Kissan Bhawan Chowk and right turn shall not be allowed at these two intersections during the abovesaid timings.

General public is requested to please co-operate with Chandigarh Traffic Police. Inconvenience caused to any on account of these restrictions is regretted.