Friday, March 14

Chandigarh, 24th September, 2018: In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section) (4) of the Section 3 of the Haryana Housing Board Act, 1971 (as extended to the Union Territory, Chandigarh), the Administrator, Union Territory, Chandigarh is pleased to appoint the following members of the Chandigarh Housing Board, Chandigarh established under Sub-Section (1) of Section 3 of the aforesaid Act of 1971 namely:

A.  Official Members

1. Finance Secretary or his nominee Chandigarh Administrator.

2. Estate Officer, Union Territory, Chandigarh.

3. Chief Executive Officer, Chandigarh Housing Board.

4.Chief Architect, Department of Urban Planning, Union Territory, Chandigarh.

5.Chief Engineer,  Union Territory, Chandigarh.

B. Non-Official Members

1.Sh. Prem  Kaushik,

H.No. 825, Sector 38A, Chandigarh.

2.Sh. Tarsem Chand Garg,

#1641, Sector 4, Panchkula.

3.Ms. Subeena Bansal,

# 5797 (B), Sector 38 (W), Chandigarh.

The aforesaid Official Members/Non-Official Members shall hold office for a period of three years from the date of issuance of this notification.