Thursday, February 6

Haryana Chief Minister, Mr. Manohar Lal has approved notification of 535 different colonies under the Haryana Management of Civic Amenities and Infrastructure Municipal Areas (Special Provisions) Act, 2016 paving the way for provisioning of major essential services in these colonies

Chandigarh, Sept 20:

Haryana Chief Minister, Mr. Manohar Lal has approved notification of 535 different colonies under the Haryana Management of Civic Amenities and Infrastructure Municipal Areas (Special Provisions) Act, 2016 paving the way for provisioning of major essential services in these colonies. Out of these 535 colonies, 254 fall in the Municipal Corporations, 100 colonies in Municipal Councils and 181 in Municipal Committees.

As if this itself was not enough of a relief to the residents of these colonies making a departure from the previous practice of arbitrary fixation of the so called development charges, the statutory fee that would have to be paid has been fixed at only 5 per cent of the collector’s rate.

It may be recalled that 32 colonies in Gurugram, nine in Faridabad, 23 in Karnal and 29 in Panipat (total 93) have already been declared as Civic Amenities and Infrastructure Deficient Municipal Areas. Over 200 more colonies are still under examination and are soon likely to be declared as Civic Amenities and Infrastructure Deficient Area in the near future.


List of colonies approved

Municipal Committees

Sr.No. Name of the Committees Number of Colonies Sr. no.                           Name of the colony
1.        Nariangarh 3 1 Ambala Road Colony Extension-1
2 Ambala Road Colony Extension- 3
3 Krishana Colony
2. Loharu 2 1 Dhani Surja Colony
2 Hanuman Saini Colony
3. Shivani 1   Vishwakarma Colony Ext.


4. Bhuna 10 1 Nirmal Colony
2 Baba Ranadhir Colony
3 Sahid Bhagat Singh Colony
4 Maharaja Aggarsain Colony
5 Chandan Nagar
6 Durga colony
7 Power House Colony
8 Shree Ram Colony
9 Shree Bala Ji Colony
10 Aadrash colony
5. Ratia 9 1 Ext  Colour Colony Part B
2 Ext  Colour Colony Part E
3 Ext  Colour Colony Part F
4 Gatta Factory Colony Ratia
5 Ext Shimlapuri Colony Part A
6 Ext Shimlapuri Colony Part B
7 Ext Arora Colony Part B
8 Ext Ramnagar Colony Part A
9 Ext Ramnagar Colony Part B
6. Farukhnagar 2 1 Dhankhar School Colony
2 Baharly Basti
7. Haily Mnadi 1 1 New Jaidev Exe. Colony


8. Patudi 1 1 Shiv sundra Colony


9. Barwala 4 1 Punjabi colony
2 Inderprasth Ext.
3 Kisan Colony
4  Geeta Colony
10. Narnaund 4 1 Vishwakarma Colony
2 Moth Road Colony Part- 2
3 Panjabi Mohalla
4 Moth Road Colony Part-1
11. Uklana 6 1 Fateh Chand & Gandhi Colony
2 Chobisi Colony
3 Triveni Colony
4 Goel Mandi
5 Indra Colony
6 Chabil Dass Colony
12. Julana 1 1 Kandi Colony Ext. Part I


13. Safido 3 1 Mini Secretariate Colony Part 1
2 New Geeta Colony Part 1
3 Shiv Colony Part 1
14. Uchana 2 1 Parsuram Colony
2 Deva Singh Colony
15. Cheeka 8 1 Additional Advocate Colony
2 Miya Basti Colony Part-2
3 Nahar Colony
4 Additional Shakti Nagar Part-1
5 Additional Shakti Nagar Part-2
6 Pehowa Road Hans Nagar Part-2
7 Additional dera bhag singh colony
8 Additional Professor Colony
16. Kalayat 3 1 Kulwant Nagar Extension colony
2 Behind Anaj Mandi Colony
3 Jhimar Matour Road Colony
17. Pundri 3 1 Sh. Dhannu Ram Gollen Colony
2 Adarsh Nagar Part-2
3 Pai Road Colony
18. Asandh 2 1 Kastoor Singh
2 Darbar Colony Ext.
19. Ghraunda 21 1  Veer Colony (G.T. Road)
2 Arya School colony (Bastara Road)
3 Rishikul School Colony (Arainpura Road)
4 Karan Vihar Colony  (Bhola Colony)
5 Bala Ji Colony (Arainpura Road)
6 Arya Nagar Extn. (Panouri Road)
7 Khurana Colony (Panouri Road)