Wednesday, March 12

Chandigarh, 19th September 2018:

The Administrator, Union Territory of Chandigarh is pleased to armed the notification already issued with regard to the constitution of Police Complaints Authority  for Union Territory of Chandigarh, with immediate effect as under:-

For clause 3(a) (i) of the notification dated 14.02.2017, for the words “The authority shall inquire into allegations of ‘serious misconduct’ against police personnel”, the following shall be substituted and may be read as:-

“The Police Complaints Authority shall take cognizance of only allegations of serious misconduct by the personnel, which would include incidents”.

For clause 3(b) (iv) of the notification dated 14.02.2017, for the words “ The recommendation of the Police Complaints Authority shall ordinarily be binding, unless for the reason to be recorded in writing, the Administration decides to disagree with the findings of the Authority”, the following shall be substituted and may be read as:-

“The recommendations of the Police Complaints Authority, for any action, departmental or criminal, against delinquent police officer/police personnel shall be binding on the concerned authority”.

The other clauses and contents of the Notification dated 14.02.2017 shall remain unchanged.