Friday, March 7

National Media Co-ordinator & State Secretary Deepanshu Bansal has sent a memorandum to Education minister,Govt. Of Haryana

BJP Govt is anti-Students,their real face is now exposed


National Media Co-ordinator & State Secretary Deepanshu Bansal has sent a memorandum to Education minister,Govt. Of Haryana regarding revocation of Semester system in Govt. Colleges and Universities of Haryana and demands implementation of annual examination system in Haryana State likewise Himachal Govt has revocked the semester system and implemented annual examination system.

Semester system is a good process but due to failure of BJP govt and bad management it is affecting the studies of students and teacher are helpless in this. Semester system is degrading the level of education. Students and teachers are taggled in other works Instead of focusing on examinations, classes and studies. Deepanshu said, there is 365 days in a year in which 52 days are of Sunday for which colleges are closed and on other side 52 days are Saturday , on which there is not much lectures due to short attendance. Also, India is a secular state and there are lot of religions and it has lot of festivals to celebrate the joy and happiness due to which there are 50-60 holidays and examinations of both semesters in a year takes 60-70 days. Also, admission procedure takes 30-40 days in total.If we calculate all these, Students get only 60-70 days in a year which means just. 30-35 days in a semester. It is difficult for students and teachers to cope up with the syllabus.It also affects the results of students and students are unable to complete their syllabus in time. Though, HRD ministry has also recommended to revock the semester system. On the other side, Students are unable to participate in Cultural and sports activities. Deepanshu alleges that,Semester system is failed as it is not implemented properly at grass root level which is a failure of BJP govt. Semester system is a procedure to help the students to cover up their syllabus easily but it is affecting them due to bad management of BJP govt. NSUI Demands for annual examination system and to revock the semester system with an immediate effect to improve the education system and to help the students.