Tuesday, March 4


In the aftermath of cases of sexual abuse at shelter homes in Muzaffarpur and Deoria, the Centre has asked State governments to inspect all child care institutes and submit a report by September 15, Union Women and Child Development Minister Maneka Gandhi told Parliament on Thursday.

The Ministry also said that in a consultation with States and Union Territories carried out earlier this year, it found that only 7,109 shelters for children across the country were registered under the Juvenile Justice (JJ) Act, 2015.

Ms. Gandhi said that the Centre had directed States and UTs in February to shut down all institutions not registered under law and shift the children to appropriate facilities.

Onus on States

Under the JJ Act, registration of all child care institutions, regardless of whether or not they are funded by the government, is mandatory. The Act puts the onus of registration on the State/ UT government.

The Minister said that she had written to Members of Parliament in August last year requesting them to visit hostels for working women, One Stop Centres, Swadhar Homes for women in difficult circumstances, Ujjwala Homes for trafficked women, and child care institutes, to inspect the living conditions and the level of care being provided in these homes.