Friday, March 14

The Senate Meeting of Panjab University was held today with 16 members participating in the meeting. After the Vice Chancellor’s statement, several members recall the contributions of Prof. Arun K. Grover, Vice Chancellor, PU during the last 6 six years.

Before the taking up of Agenda items, a few members opined that the meeting be postponed in view of thin attendance. However, some members opined that agenda items like ratification of CAS promotions, confirmation of employees and items related to commencement of new session be dealt with by the members present and remaining matters be deferred to a later sitting of the Senate, to be rescheduled in a near future.

There was lack of consensus on the above two alternatives. A vote was then taken  on the above options. Seven persons favoured the former option and six members favoured the latter one.

The Vice Chancellor opined that he shall inform the Chancellor’s office of the deliberations of today’s Senate meeting and shall seek the guidance on convening of the next sitting of the Senate from Chairperson of Senate, namely, The Chancellor, PU on whose behalf the VC presides over the Senate meeting.

The Senate, however, authorised the Vice Chancellor to take a call on the essential items related to the smooth commencement of new academic session in consultation with Dean Student Welfare, Prof. Emanual Nahar, Fellow, PU.