Arbaaz Khan has confessed to involvement in betting over IPL

Bollywood actor-producer Arbaaz Khan has confessed to involvement in betting over Indian Premier League (IPL) matches, said police officials of Thane anti-extortion cell. The actor reportedly said that he had placed bets in IPL matches last year and had lost Rs 2.75 crore.

Meanwhile, Thane Police Commissioner, Param Bir Singh said that interrogation in the matter is underway, while adding that the Deputy Commissioner of Police will brief about it once the interrogation concludes.

On being asked about the issue, Rajeev Shukla, IPL Chairman said,”The matter is with the police, we have nothing to do with it. Both BCCI and ICC have anti-corruption units, police can coordinate with them.”

Earlier in the day, the actor, brother of Bollywood superstar Salman Khan was called to record his statement before the anti-extortion cell of Thane police.

The summons were issued to Arbaaz after prominent bookie Sonu Jalan alias Sonu Batla who reportedly has links with various mafia dons, including absconding Dawood Ibrahim Kaskar was arrested sometime ago and interrogated by the AEC sleuths in connection with the IPL scam, Police Inspector Rajkumar Kothmire said.

“The case investigations are going on since the past five-six years and could involve amounts of over Rs 500-600 crore. We want to find out from Arbaaz what was his role in the entire matter,” said Kothmire who is probing the matter.

The 50-year-old actor-producer’s cropped up during Jalan’s interrogation and recovery of some photographs which include other major film personalities who may be subsequently summoned, he indicated.

According to Kothmire, the entire IPL scam involves some of the biggest bookies operating from Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Jaipur and New Delhi. Jalan was first nabbed around 10 years ago when the IPL betting scam had erupted and later investigations proved he was in touch with several world personalities, including Arbaaz.

Modi’s  Carefree Attitude Annoys Voters


Sareeka Tewari

The growing disenchantment with the government seems to be linked to a decline in consumer sentiment witnessed over the past couple of years.

Data from consumer confidence surveys conducted by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) show that consumer sentiments have been on the decline since 2016. RBI consumer sentiment survey is based exclusively on an urban sample of 5,000 respondents, and hence fails to capture the sentiments in rural India

The latest poll conducted in May 2018 showed that if snap Lok Sabha elections were to be held today, only 34% of people would prefer Narendra Modi to return as Prime Minister, down from 37% in January and 44% a year ago. The proportion of people choosing Rahul Gandhi as their preferred Prime Minister has risen 15 percentage points over the past year to 24%, the survey data


Narendra Modi continues to remain the most popular leader in the country, his approval ratings seem to be on a decline as anti-incumbency grows.

That’s the key message from successive rounds of “Mood of the Nation” surveys —large-scale, nationally representative surveys conducted by Lokniti-CSDS since mid-2017.

One of the key reasons behind Modi’s declining approval ratings appears to be rising discontent with the economic performance of the Modi government. A majority of people now believe that the government has failed to deliver on its election promise of “achhe din” or better days.

Pet rolled down 9 paise

After touching the historic hike in fuel prices and facing the ridiculous remarks from opposition parties, Prices for petrol and diesel were dropped by nine paise on Saturday.

In Delhi, petrol now costs Rs 78.20 a litre, and diesel costs Rs 69.11 per litre.

On Friday, price for petrol was dropped Rs 78.29 per litre, while diesel price was fallen Rs 69.20 a litre in the national capital.

The revised petrol prices in other metro cities are – Rs 80.84 in Kolkata, Rs 86.01 in Mumbai and Rs 81.19 in Chennai.

Meanwhile, the revised diesel prices in other metro cities are – Rs 71.66 in Kolkata, Rs 73.58 in Mumbai and 72.97 in Chennai.

IOC (Indian oil corporation Ltd) also raised the prices of subsidized and non-subsidized domestic cooking gas cylinders by Rs2.34 and Rs48, respectively on Friday.

This is consecutive third day drop in fuel prices, as fuel prices reaching a record hike in India. there has been a demand for an excise duty cut on petrol and diesel. The Narendra Modi led government has so far declined to roll back its decision to link domestic and international fuel prices and said that it was working in the direction of a long-term solution.

हरियाणा कांग्रेस को नए प्रभारी का इंतजार

हाल फिलहाल कौन बनेगा हरियाणा का प्रभारी? इस सवाल पर कयास लगाए जा रहे हैं। कुछ दिनों से उत्तर प्रदेश के कांग्रेस नेता प्रमोद तिवारी और मध्यप्रदेश के नेता अरूण यादव के नाम चर्चा में है। हरियाणा प्रदेश कांग्रेस के अध्यक्ष डाॅ अशोक तंवर आने वाले प्रभारी के बारे में कोई जानकारी न होने की बात कह चुके हैं। लेकिन उन्होंने कहा कि नए प्रभारी का इंतजार है। लोकसभा चुनाव के अलावा हरियाणा में अगले साल के मध्य में विधानसभा चुनाव भी होने है। ऐसे में संगठन को निचले स्तर तक मजबूत रखने के लिए पर्यवेक्षक के बतौर प्रभारी की जरूरत पर जोर दिया जा रहा है। अभी तक कांग्रेस में बिखराव बना हुआ हैं और इसकी ताकत बंटी हुई है। हालांकि अलग’-अलग गुटों का नेतृत्व कर रहे कांग्रेस के नेता कहते हैं कि यही कांग्रेस है और कांग्रेस सक्रिय है। वे यह भी कहते हैं कि कांग्रेस एक है। लेकिन कभी एक-दूसरे के मंच पर वे नहीं पहुचते।

प्रभारी के बतौर कमलनाथ ने जब कार्यभार संभाला था तो वे भले ही हरियाणा कांग्रेस की गुटबाजी समाप्त नहीं कर पाए थे लेकिन उन्होंने एक-दूसरे के खिलाफ बयानबाजी बंद करवा दी थी और उसी का नतीजा है कि अब पार्टी के नेता एक-दूसरे के विरोध में मीडिया या सार्वजनिक मंच पर कुछ कहने से बचते है। हालांकि इसके बाद कमलनाथ ने हरियाणा कांग्रेस को दिल्ली में ही बैठकर संभालने का काम किया । कमलनाथ से पहले हरियाणा की प्रभारी रहीं आशा कुमारी ने संगठन को सक्रिय रखने के लिए लगातार बैठकें की थीं और वे पर्यवेक्षण का काम करती रहीं थीं। इससे कहीं अधिक सक्रियता शकील अहमद की भी थी। पार्टी के सभी गुटों को एक कर कांग्रेस को मजबूत देखने के इच्छुक कांग्रेसजन कहते हैं कि आला कमान को एक सक्रिय और चतुर खिलाडी प्रभारी भेजना चाहिए जो कि सभी गुटों को एक मंच पर लाने के लिए राजी कर लें।

शादी कर धोखा देने वाले अन आर आई को काबू में करने की तय्यारी : मेनका

चंडीगढ। केन्द्रीय महिला एवं बाल कल्याण मंत्री श्रीमती मेनका संजय गांधी ने शुक्रवार को यहां कहा कि शादी करके धोखा दे जाने वाले एनआरआई पर काबू करने के लिए योजना तैयार कर ली गई है। साथ ही बलात्कार के मामलों में तेजी से न्याय दिलाने के लिए फोरेंसिक लैब बढाई जा रही है। देश में पांच नई फोरेंसिक लैब आने वाली है।

श्रीमती मेनका ने यहां पत्रकारों से बातचीत में कहा कि केन्द्रीय गृह मंत्रालय,विदेश मंत्रालय और महिला और बाल विकास मंत्रालय ने मिलकर शादी करके विदेश भाग जाने वाले एनआरआई को काबू में करने के लिए योजना बनाई है। योजना के तहत किसी एनआरआई के साथ शादी सम्पन्न होने पर 48 घंटे में उसका रजिस्ट्रेशन कराया जाएगा और इसके बाद महिला एवं बाल विकास विभाग को इसकी सूचना दी जाएगी ताकि डाटा बेस तैयार होता रहे। तीनों विभागों के संयुक्त सचिवों की कमेटी इस योजना को अमल में लायेगी। योजना के तहत शादी के बाद विदेश जाने वाला पति यदि पत्नी के बुलावे पर नही लौटता है तो पत्नी की शिकायत पर विदेश मंत्रालय के जरिए डीम्ड सम्मन जारी किए जायेंगे और सम्पत्ति बंधक कर ली जायेगी। पति के लौटने पर ही सम्पत्ति को छोडा जाएगा।

उन्होंने कहा कि महिला और बच्चों की तस्करी रोकने के लिए नया कानून प्रस्तावित है जो कि संसद के अगले सत्र में पारित किए जाने के आसार है। उन्होंने कहा कि अभी बलात्कार के मामलों में न्याय में देरी के लिए अदालतों पर आरोप लगाए जाते है। लेकिन बलात्कार के मामलों में फोरेंसिक जांच बहुत धामी गति से होती है। इसका कारण है कि फोरेंसिक लैब की क्षमता कम है। इसलिए जल्दी ही देश में पांच नई फोरेंसिक लैब खोली जा रही है। उन्होंने कहा कि पुलिस जांच में शामिल करने के लिए महिला और बाल विकास विभाग जल्दी ही बलात्कार किट जारी करेगा जिसमें यह तय किया जाएगा कि बलात्कार की घटना पर पुलिस जांच अधिकारी को कौन-कौन से सबूत जुटाने है।

मास्टर अच्छर गुप्ता जी नहीं रहे

आजाद पब्लिक स्कूल, पिंजोर के प्रिंसिपल श्री अच्छर गुप्ता जी का देहांत हो गया है।
भगवान उनकी आत्मा को शांति प्रदान करे।
संस्कार का समय पता लगते ही बता दिया जाएगा ।

Dalit Muslim Clash at Azamgarh

Police deployed in the village

Three persons were arrested on Friday over a clash between Dalit and Muslim groups at Bakhra village in Azamgarh the previous evening. The clash was allegedly sparked over a motorcycle mishap. The three accused, all Muslims, were arrested on the basis of a complaint lodged by a Dalit. At the time of filing this report, police said no complaint was lodged by the Muslim group. While several persons were injured the clash, the condition of one man is said to be critical.

According to police, the clash took place after a 17-year-old boy on a motorcycle accidentally hit a 10-year-old Dalit boy. Village head Mohammad Shahid said the Dalit boy was at his uncle’s house on Thursday. “At 6 pm, the boy was playing outside along with other children when the mishap happened. People in the area caught the motorcycle rider and assaulted him,” said Shahid. “They later let him off.”

The 10-year-old and 17-year-old suffered minor injuries. “Some time later, a group, including the motorcyclist’s family members, reached the house leading to the clash,” Shahid said. Circle Officer (CO), Phoolpur, Ravi Shankar Prasad said both sides threw bricks at each other. Later, police arrived and cane-charged the crowd to bring the situation under control, he added.

ASP, Rural (Azamgarh), Narendra Pratap Singh said around nine Dalits and four Muslims were injured. The injured persons are being treated at a district hospital. On a complaint from Mithai Lal, police on Friday lodged an FIR at Sarai Meer police station against 12 named and 15-20 unidentified persons from the other group on charges, including attempt to murder and rioting. Police have also invoked SC/ST Act in the case.

Abu Salem’s extortion: Quantum of punishment likely today

Underworld don Abu Salem 

The Patiala House Court will on Saturday hear the arguments to decide the quantum of punishment to gangster Abu Salem in an extortion case.
On May 30, the Delhi Court had deferred the hearing of gangster Abu Salem’s extortion case till June 2.
Salem was convicted for demanding Rs 5 crore from a Delhi-based businessman Ashok Gupta in 2002 in lieu of providing security to the latter also known as protection money.
Charges were imposed against Salem under 387,506/507 Sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).
Chanchal Mehta, Majid Khan, Pawan Kumar Mittal and Mohd Ashraf, who were identified as Salem’s compliance in the case, were acquitted in the case.
While another accused Sajjan Kumar Soni died during the course of the trial.

Pakistani man held for illegal stay and blackmailing Indian wife in Hyd.


The Cyber Crime Police in Hyderabad on Friday said that they arrested a Pakistani National, for illegally entering the country and marrying an Indian woman fraudulently by lying about his citizenship.

The police also said that the accused blackmailed his wife and her daughter, and also ‘sold’ obscene pictures of the duo, which were later uploaded on the internet.

The incident came to light after the wife approached the police and filed a complaint.

The accused has been identified as 41-year-old Mohd Usman Ikram alias Mohd Abbas Ikram, who was staying at Chanderghat.

The complainant told the police that while she was working in Dubai, she married one Ikram, who deceived her stating that he was an Indian Muslim from Delhi. However, she later discovered that he is a Pakistani National.

“After she came back to India, the accused too came to India saying that he was on a visit visa for six months. Later, the complainant came to know that he came to India illegally via Nepal,” the police said in a press release.

The woman, who was previously married and had two children, alleged that Ikram had secretly shot obscene photographs and videos of her daughter when she was hardly 12 years old and sold the clipping to some person, which went viral.

“The accused also sent a message on WhatsApp to a friend of his wife, stating that he will expose the daughter’s nude photos publicly and tried to blackmail her. The accused used to torture the complainant for money and whenever she refused, he beat her severely,” the police said.

Based on the complaint, a case was registered and the police began their investigation.

According to a preliminary inquiry, the cyber crime police found that Ikram hailed from Punjab state in Pakistan and had entered Nepal from Pakistan by air, from where he illegally crossed the border by road and arrived at Delhi and then at Hyderabad.

“After arriving in India, he had created fake residential documents and education degrees through various agents and had been doing sundry jobs in private firms. His antecedents and activities are further being verified,” the police said.

Modi at “Clifford Pier” Singapore

Courtesy: @PMOIndia


Prime Minister Narendra Modi and unveiled plaque marking the immersion site of Mahatma Gandhi’s ashes at Clifford Pier on Saturday. Singapore’s former Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong also present. Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled plaque marking the immersion site of Mahatma Gandhi’s ashes at Clifford Pier. Singapore’s former Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong also present.

“Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong and I unveiled a plaque marking the site where Mahatma Gandhi’s ashes were immersed at the Clifford Pier in Singapore,” Modi tweeted. “Bapu’s message reverberates globally. His thoughts and ideals motivate us to work for the greater good of humanity,” he said in a tweet.

In 1948, Gandhi’s ashes were sent to various parts of India and the world, including Singapore. Clifford Pier was Singapore’s seafront landmark under the colonial government. It had since been renovated and currently serves as a restaurant under the same namesake “The Clifford Pier”, offering a selection of local, Asian and Western dishes under the operations of The Fullerton Bay Hotel. The plaque will underline the strongly growing ties between the two countries.

The prime minister will also interact with the local representatives after the plaque unveiling. PM Modi is here on the last leg of his three-nation tour.