Webinar on ‘Higher Education for Divyang jan’ at PU

Chandigarh December 4, 2020:

Equal Opportunity Cell Person with disabilities, Panjab University Chandigarh organized a webinar on the topic of “Higher Education for Divyangjan: NEP 2020” on the occasion of International Day of Persons with Disabilities-2020. This day is celebrated for disable people to sensitize them and other people about the issues faced by disabled and celebrate the abilities and achievements of disabled people. Disability is a human condition, there is hardly any person who is not suffering from disability. It is not only physical but social also. This day is celebrated for empowering disable people so that they don’t feel dishonored or discouraged.

Prof. Raj Kumar, Vice Chancellor, Panjab University while appreciating the EOC  for organizing this event, mentioned that by organizing such type of event we can change the mind set of society towards the PwDs. For the change all over the India, lot of activities/tasks are being undertaken  by the society and Government towards the welfare of PwDs but still a lot has to be done. Young people must come forward for Divyangjan to provide opportunities to them. Prof Kumar also emphasized that in University we should focus to increase the enrolment of PwDs for their higher education because the education is only the way for their respectful survival in society.

Dr. Himangshu Das ,Director of National Institute for Empowerment of Persons with Visual Disabilities (NIEPVD) Dehradun; Chief Coordinator-National Early Intervention and Pre-School mission; and Chairperson-National Mental Health Rehabilitation Helpline, Government of India, in his address, mentioned that Universities and other educational institutes must organize the awareness programs for the PwDs. This is because with the help of awareness program we can learn how we can educate others on the sensitive issues and support to the stakeholder’s society. During his talk Dr Das shared one of his experiences of Europe visit along with his student who was physically challenged. His student was enquired a lot of about his extent of disability, but when they reached there it was found that everything in his room and surrounding was adjusted in such a way that everything was made convenient for him. He mentioned that India is poorer support provider for the needs of special people. Punjab also performed poor. It is high time to take stand for disable people.  It is always not about resources as Bhutan is very poor country but it is doing a lot for its special people. We need to learn that how can we promote higher education in Divyangjan with or without resources. As many countries look at disable people as entrepreneur and taxpayers. But in India, we think they are dependent on us. We need to change this mentality, as this make them mentally ill. Empathy of society is very important for such people. We need to learn to give empathy instead of sympathy to boost their self-esteem and we need to stop discriminate them.Dr Das cited we should create empathetic and accessible society. Whenever we talk to successful special people about how they overcome barriers in their path, their answer is always Empathy. Empathy is the key to pass all the barriers.

Accommodation, adaption, provisions, equity for special people is needed. 5% quota is provided to them in higher education, but no one think about their basic education. If they don’t get basic education, how will they reach at higher education level? We should start special courses for them. We should understand higher education across disability. Most of the opportunities are given to mild and moderate disability and severe disability is ignored. We need to take care of that. Disable people lack competency, we should encourage them.

Universities can play evolving role at community level. Universities can focus on skill training and providing reasonable accommodations. Universities should share their funds wisely and develop resources in various forms. There are two full-fledged universities in UP for Human resource development. Early childhood, schooling everything needs to be take care of for such people. Human resource development at university level is very important, presently it is done by NGOs only. University should focus on more admissions of special people and make everything accessible to them. Divyangjan need support system. Special departments should be made for special education of such people. Administration people should taught social responsibility. Youth should be sensitized for Divyangjan. An advisory board should be made to evaluate that how can we help special people. In Faculty development programs, faculty should also be taught about strengths and abilities of special people and their employment. Universities should fill all the backlog positions of disable people and promote their employment as it will create huge impact.

Dr. Das added that disable people should not be treated with sympathy and pity, but we should encourage and empower them. We should learn to boost up their moral. Our mindset is not clear about what they can do? We should make them friends and give them needed social support.

In the last Dr Ramesh Kataria, Coordinator EO-Cell PwDs, Panjab University thanks to worthy Vice Chancellor for motivation, PU, EO-Cell PwDs staff for technical support to event, organizing committee namely Dr Rajesh Jaiswal, Dr Vinod, Dr Harmail, Dr Aman Khera, Dr Neelima  Dhingra, Ms Rimpi, Ms Pardeep  Kumari and Mr Dheeru Yadev for coordinating the event, Mr Kulwinder Singh for technical help and Director computer center for providing the all technical support. Dr Kataria also thanks to the students, scholars and all other audiences for active participation.

मन की बात – 29 नवंबर

चंडीगढ़/ नयी दिल्ली, 29 नवंबर :

11:30 :- पीएम मोदी ने कहा, महाराष्ट्र के धुले ज़िले के किसान, जितेन्द्र भोइजी ने नए कृषि कानूनों का इस्तेमाल कैसे किया ये आपको भी जानना चाहिये. अब जब ऐसे कानून की ताकत हमारे किसान भाई के पास थी, तो उनकी समस्या का समाधान तो होना ही था, उन्होंने शिकायत की और चंद ही दिन में उनका बकाया चुका दिया गया. 

11:27 :- कृषि कानून पर बोले पीएम मोदी, कृषि सुधारों से किसानों की परेशानी दूर हो रही है. फसल खरीदने के तीन दिन बाद ही किसानों को भुगतान हो जाता है. संसद ने कृषि कानून को स्वरूप दिया है. 

11:24 :- पीएम मोदी ने कहा गुरुनानक देवी का 550वां प्रकाश पर्व, श्री गुरु गोविंद सिंह जी का 350वां प्रकाश पर्व, श्री गुरु तेग बहादुरजी का 400वां प्रकाश पर्व भी अगले साल है, मुझे महसूस होता है कि मुझपर गुरु साहब की विशेष कृपा रही है. 

11:21:- पीएम मोदी ने कहा , साथियों इसी तरह अभी एक खबर पर आपका ध्यान जरूर गया होगा. न्यूजीलैंड में वहां के नवनिर्वाचित एमपी डॉ. गौरव शर्मा ने विश्व की प्राचीन भाषाओं में से एक संस्कृत भाषा में शपथ ली है.‘मन की बात’ के माध्यम से मैं गौरव शर्मा जी को शुभकामनाएं देता हूं. हम सभी की कामना है कि वो न्यूजीलैंड के लोगों की सेवा में नई उपलब्धियां प्राप्त करें. 

11:18 :- पीएम मोदी ने कहा, मैं, हमेशा से Bird watching के शौकीन लोगों का प्रशंसक रहा हूं. बहुत धैर्य के साथ, वो घंटों तक, सुबह से शाम तक, Bird watching कर सकते हैं, प्रकृति के अनूठे नजारों का लुत्फ़ उठा सकते हैं और अपने ज्ञान को हम लोगों तक भी पहुंचाते रहते हैं.

11:17:-  पीएम मोदी ने कहा, पिछले कुछ दिनों से इंटरनेट चेरी ब्लॉसम की वायरल तस्वीरों से भरा हुआ है. आप सोच रहे होंगे जब मैं चेरी ब्लॉसम की बात कर रहा हूँ तो जापान की इस प्रसिद्ध पहचान की बात कर रहा हूं – लेकिन ऐसा नहीं है! ये, जापान की तस्वीरें नहीं हैं. ये, अपने मेघालय के शिलाँग की तस्वीरें हैं. मेघालय की खूबसूरती को इन चेरी ब्लॉसम ने और बढ़ा दिया है.

11:15:- पीएम मोदी ने कहा इस महीने 12 नंवबर से डॉक्टर सलीम अली जी का 125वां जयंती समारोह शुरी हुआ है. डॉक्टर सलीम ने पक्षियों की दुनिया में बर्ड वॉचिंग को लेकर उल्लेखनीय कार्य किया है. दुनिया के ब्रड वॉचर्स को भारत के प्रति आकर्षित भी किया है.

11:10:- पीएम मोदी ने कहा प्रकृति को देखने के नजरिए में बदलाव आया है. उन्होंने कहा, धरोहर के संरक्षण में तकनीक की अहम भूमिका है. पीएम मोदी ने कहा 30 नवंबर को हम गुरुनानक का पर्व मनाएंगे.

11:06:- मन की बात कार्यक्रम में पीएम मोदी ने कहा, राष्ट्रीय संंग्राहलय में वर्चुअल गैलरी की सुविधा होगी. लोग अब अब घर बैठे दिल्ली के संग्राहलय के दर्शन हो सकेंगे.  

11:02:- पीएम मोदी ने मन की बात की शुरुआत करते हुए कहा, भारत के लोगों को एक खुशखबरी देना चाहता हूं. देवी अन्नपूर्णा की मूर्ति कनाडा से वापस आ रही है जो काशी से चोरी कर ली गई जो अब वापस आ रही है. पीएम मोदी ने इसके लिए कनाडा सरकार का आभार जताया है. 

10: 58 :- प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी आज ‘मन की बात’ कार्यक्रम के जरिए देशवासियों को संबोधित करना शुरू किया. पीएम मोदी आज सुबह 11 बजे रेडियो के जरिए ‘मन की बात’ शुरू की. ‘मन की बात’ कार्यक्रम का यह 71वां संस्करण है. कार्यक्रम का प्रसारण आकाशवाणी और दूरदर्शन के समूचे नेटवर्क पर प्रसारित हो रहा है. 

प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी आज रविवार को सुबह 11 बजे से मन की बात करेंगे. पीएम मोदी रेडियो के जरिए किसानों को संदेश दे सकते हैं. इसके अलावा पीएम मोदी कोरोना वायरस की वैक्सीन पर भी देश को खुशखबरी दे सकते हैं.

इससे पहले पीएम मोदी ने ट्वीट में लिखा कि मन की बात के जरिए हम उत्कृष्ट लोगों की उपलब्धियों का जश्न मनाते हैं, सामाजिक अच्छे के लिए काम कर रहे हैं. लेकिन, हर एक उदाहरण को साझा करने के लिए, कई ऐसे हैं जो समय की कमी के कारण साझा करने में असमर्थ हैं. लेकिन, मैं बहुत से इनपुट पढ़ता हूं और वे वास्तव में मूल्यवान हैं.

सेक्टर -1 कॉलेज ने बायोमेडिकल वेस्ट मैनेजमेंट पर किया व्याख्यान का आयोजन

कोविड -19 के चलते अपशिष्ट प्रबंधन है समय की मांग: डॉ मिश्रा

पंचकूला, नवंबर 28,2020:

गवर्नमेंट स्नातकोत्तर कॉलेज, सेक्टर-1 के वनस्पति विज्ञान विभाग ने कोविड-19 के दौरान बायोमेडिकल वेस्ट मैनेजमेंट पर एक व्याख्यान का आयोजन किया। कॉलेज की प्राचार्या, डॉ अर्चना मिश्रा ने कार्यक्रम का औपचारिक आरंभ किया। अपने संबोधन में उन्होंने कहा कि वेस्ट मैनेजमेंट समय की जरूरत है। बतौर पर्यावरणविद् उन्होंने कोविड -19 के कठोर परिणामों के बारे में अपनी चिंता व्यक्त की। उन्होंने कहा कोविड की समस्या ने प्रयोग करने के बाद फेंकी जाने वाली पी पी ई किट और वन टाइम यूज प्लास्टिक के कारण होने वाले अपशिष्ट उत्पादन को एक पर्यावरणीय मुद्दे में बदल दिया है।

गवर्नमेंट कॉलेज, गुरुग्राम से डॉ मानसी ने अपने व्याख्यान में खतरनाक और गैर खतरनाक कचरे के बारे में बताया। उन्होंने मुख्य रूप से कोविड समर्पित अस्पतालों, अलगाव केंद्रों और अन्य स्वास्थ्य सुविधाओं से उत्पन्न जैव कचरे के बारे में चिंता जताई। डॉ मानसी ने कोविड -19 महामारी के दौरान बायोमेडिकल कचरे को निपटाने की आवश्यकता और कठिनाई पर जोर दिया। उन्होंने खतरनाक चिकित्सा अपशिष्ट के पर्यावरण में फैलने से पहले निवारण पर जोर दिया। उन्होंने अपशिष्ट प्रबंधन के लिए अपनाए जाने वाली विभिन्न युक्तियों के बारे में बताया। डॉ मानसी ने विद्यार्थियों को प्रदूषण नियंत्रण बोर्ड (सीपीसीबी) द्वारा निर्धारित दिशानिर्देशों के बारे में जागरूक किया और कम से कम मेडिकल वेस्ट का उत्पादन करने के लिए डिस्पोजेबल मेडिकल सामान के उपयोग को कम करने के तरीके भी बताए।

आयोजन के दौरान डॉ नीलम मंडल, डॉ ऋचा सेतिया, डॉ भूपिंदर कौर, डॉ नीरज और विनय कुमार उपस्थित थे। व्याख्यान के दौरान 80 से अधिक छात्रों ने ऑनलाइन माध्यम से भाग लिया और विषय के संदर्भ में अपने विचार रखे।

Seniors of English Deptt,PU Interact with The Freshers Online in the ‘Ice Breaking Session’

Chandigarh November 19, 2020

The Department of English and Cultural Studies has become the first department in Panjab University to organize an online “Ice Breaking Session”  under the guidance of Prof. Deepti Gupta, Chairperson. This event was an effort by the students of MA English Final Year to welcome the new batch.

Prakhar Sinha, Class Representative, MA Final Year welcomed everyone and introduced his classmates who were serving as the speakers and mentors, to their juniors.

The new students introduced themselves with their respective career aspirations and academic backgrounds. They were high on energy and posed several questions about the department and its academics. Senior students enthusiastically resolved their queries and briefed them about various highlights of the department. COVID-19 had put students through challenging times but the Ice Breaker and a hearty conversation cheered everyone up. Marking pattern, Hostel admission procedure, Optional subject choice related questions were the most frequent ones. Many of them were anxious about the new syllabus introduced in 2019, but final year students reassured them with the promise of thorough guidance. The pandemic didn’t allow the senior students to meet and greet the new batch, but technology allowed them to connect which left everyone ecstatic. Senior students spoke about the kinds of challenges they faced when preparing for exams and provided juniors with study strategy and tips to score well. Inspiring examples of the class toppers were given to motivate juniors for meritorious academic performance.

The boarding students spoke about plenty of student accommodations available for students who don’t qualify for a hostel. Senior students discussed the major attractions of Punjab University like Annual Fests, Departmental events, Campus life and the liberal hostel life. New students were reassured about the University’s institutional support, gender inclusive space, innumerous platforms for talent and an equal environment for all. Regular initiatives taken by the senior students to bond with junior students were also discussed in detail. Seniors concluded by saying that all students should support each other.

The new students felt that the interactive session had been immensely helpful to them. They expressed their gratitude to the senior students for the warm welcome. The session ended with everyone hoping to meet soon.

शिक्षा मंत्री का बड़ा बयान, दोबारा बंद हो सकते हैं हरियाणा के सभी स्कूल


कल 17 नवंबर को हरियाणा के अनेक क्षेत्रों में कोरोना के काफी अधिक मामले सामने आए थे. लॉकडाउन खुलने के बाद कोरोना के केस लगातार तेजी से बढ़ते ही जा रहे हैं. कल तीन प्राइवेट और पांच गवर्नमेंट स्कूलों में 78 स्टूडेंट कोरोना पॉजिटिव पाए गए थे. एक साथ इतने सारे कोरोना पॉजिटिव केसेज के सामने आने से हरियाणा प्रशासन दहशत में आ गया है. कल तो जिला शिक्षा अधिकारी ने केवल और केवल प्रभावित विद्यालयों को ही 15 दिनों तक बंद रखने के आदेश दिए थे. लेकिन अभी अभी हरियाणा के शिक्षा मंत्री कंवर पाल गुर्जर की ओर से एक बड़ा बयान सामने आ रहा है.

हरियाणा में दोबारा बंद हो सकते हैं सभी स्कूल

अभी-अभी हरियाणा के शिक्षा मंत्री कंवर पाल गुर्जर ने बयान देते हुए कहा है कि कोरोना से बचाव के लिए राज्य के सभी स्कूलों को पूर्ण रूप से बंद करना ही कारगर उपाय होगा. इसलिए यह अनुमान लगाया जा रहा है कि हरियाणा सरकार नौवीं से 12वीं कक्षा तक के स्कूलों को दोबारा से बंद कर सकती है. अभी तक इस बात की कोई आधिकारिक पुष्टि नहीं हुई है. केवल सूत्रों के हवाले से यह जानकारी मिली है कि हरियाणा के शिक्षा मंत्री कंवर पाल गुर्जर ने अपने बयान में स्कूलों को बंद करने की बात कही है. कोरोना संक्रमण को फैलने से रोकने के लिए हरियाणा सरकार द्वारा यह बड़ा कदम उठाया जा सकता है.

PU and its Colleges to Continue with Online Teaching

Chandigarh November 17, 2020

Keeping in view the prevailing situation because of Covid-19 Pandemic , the Panjab University authorities held various meetings  to discuss reopening of University/Regional Centres/Affiliated Colleges/Constituent Colleges. 

Prof R K Singla Dean of University Instruction informed that on the basis of detailed deliberations, it has been decided to continue with online mode of  teaching  for the time being  in all the Teaching Departments/Regional Centres/Affiliated Colleges/Constituent Colleges for the current semester.

The final decision concerning calling students to PU Campus/Regional Centres/Affiliated Colleges/Constituent Colleges shall be taken in due course of time depending upon the improvement in Covid-19 situation, he informed.

Special Online Gandhi Katha by PU

Chandigarh November 17, 2020

The Department of Gandhian and Peace Studies, Panjab University organized a special online Gandhi Katha” by Smt. Shobhana Radhakrishna ji on the World International Day of Students and on commencement of the new Academic Session of MA 1st Semester of the session 2020-21.

Dr. Manish Sharma, Chairperson introduced the topic and the speaker and other invited guests, faculty members and students.

In his inaugural address Professor Raj Kumar, Vice Chancellor, PU informed the audience that with the introduction of the new academic session, new positive vibrations will bring positivity for everyone and in the present times the relevance of Gandhian philosophy is very much relevant and the kind of his ideology which takes everyone together which is the need of the hour can be seen in the activities of this department. He also redefined the concept of ‘Satyagraha’ and its difference with the ‘Passive -Resistance’. Satyagraha can be used for mass mobilization as well as resolving the conflicts of many issues. He also asked the teachers to reintroduce the concept of Gandhian philosophy via the curriculum as the concept of Values, Life and Thought, attitude of mind, living together concept and especially of Peace when incorporated in the system then the results will be more visible in terms of Gandhian ideology and the same is added via the New Education Policy of 2020.

In her narration of Gandhi Katha by Shobhana Radhakrishna ji who is a globally renowned Gandhian recognized for her invaluable contribution to literature, social service and spreading the vision of Mahatma Gandhi. She is on a mission to reintroduce Mahatma Gandhi to the people of India and abroad. She has imbibed Gandhiji’s values as she was born and brought up in his Sevagram ashram, Wardha in Maharashtra. Shobhana’s focal point is the Gandhian way of life and serving humanity. The basic idea of the Gandhi Katha was to reintroduce the Gandhi’s vision and its relevance and an attempt to provide some principles, ideas and alternatives that can help us in our quest for more significant substance and help address pressing social, communal and ecological challenges of our times specially of the COVID 19 like situations.

These lessons gleaned from Mahatma Gandhi’s life offer us invaluable advice on leading an enlightened, more meaningful, self-aware, socially responsible and saner life. In her address she also narrated how the different personalities of the world have seen and conceptualized Gandhian principles which are as relevant as they were for the past centuries. Further, she also talked about the different influences on Gandhi which shaped him from a simple layman to a Great Soul as Mahatma. She also talked about the Three Gifts from Gandhi’s life as Satyagraha or non-violent resistance to establish justice, non-cooperation with evil and civil disobedience. Second gift as Constructive Activities or service to humanity for restoring the dignity of the poorest of the poor, thirdly as EkadashVrata or Eleven vows for building inner strength and bring about transformation. In case anyone follows these three principles in life, he will become Mahatma.

 The special katha on Gandhi ji was well attended by various faculty members of the Department as well as the new enrolled students and faculty members and students from other departments. Dr. Manish Sharma, Chairperson proposed a vote of thanks to all for attending the event.

Amit Shah directs slew of measures for controlling Covid 19

  • RT-PCR testing capacity in Delhi to be doubled
  • House-to-house survey in the entire Delhi by AIIMS
  • More ICU beds to be added
  • Dedicated multi-departmental teams to visit all the private hospitals

Union Home Minister Amit Shah directs slew of measures for controlling the spread of Covid-19 in Delhi at a review meeting

In view of the shortage of medical staff in Delhi, it was decided to provide additional doctors and paramedical staff from the CAPFs and they would soon be airlifted to Delhi

Shri Amit Shah directs Ministry of Health & Family Welfare to make arrangements for requisite numbers of BIPAP machines and high flow nasal canulas to the Delhi Government within the next 48 hours

House-to-house survey in the entire Delhi to be conducted by the teams of AIMS, Government of NCT of Delhi andM MCDs

MOHF&W to issue a standard protocol for plasma therapy and plasma administration for treatment of COVID-19 patients immediately

Mobile testing labs to be deployed by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and ICMR in areas where poor and vulnerable sections of the society reside

250-300 beds with ICUs to be added to the existing medical facility of DRDO at Dhaula Kuan

The 10,000 bed Covid Care Centre established at Chattarpur will also be strengthened with a view to enhance availability of beds with oxygen capacity

Dedicated multi-departmental teams to visit all the private hospitals in Delhi to physically check the availability of Covid-19 medical infrastructure vis-a-vis the admission status

Union Home Minister specifically emphasized the need to keep track of Covid-19 patients who are in home isolation and ensure that they are shifted to regular hospitals as soon as urgent medical attention is deemed necessary

Authorities of Delhi Government and Commissioner of Police, Delhi, to strictly enforce the necessary measures, especially wearing of face masks, so that there is no laxity in observance of Covid-19 appropriate behaviorPosted Date:- Nov 15, 2020

Union Home Minister Shri Amit Shah today reviewed the Covid-19 situation in Delhi, in the backdrop of rising number of cases and the increasing strain on the capacity of medical infrastructure in the hospitals of the Capital. The meeting was attended by Union Health Minister, Lt. Governor, Delhi; Chief Minister, Delhi; Health Minister, Delhi; Home Secretary; Secretary, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW); Dr. V.K Paul; Director, AIIMS; Director General, ICMR; Secretary, DRDO; Director General, Armed Forces Medical Services (DGAFMS) and other senior officials.

            At the outset, Dr VK Paul made a presentation, which highlighted the deteriorating situation of Covid-19 in Delhi. It was pointed out that the number of active cases per day has increased substantially. While the Case Fatality Rate (CFR) continues to remain in control, the health and medical infrastructure, such as dedicated Covid-19 beds, beds with ventilators, and ICUs, is already showing signs of strain. Accordingly, it is essential to enhance surveillance, strictly enforce containment measures, increase testing, and rapidly build up the requisite medical infrastructure.

            The Union Home Minister issued a number of directions in the meeting. First, it was directed that the testing capacity for RT-PCR tests would be doubled in Delhi, by optimally utilizing the lab capacity within Delhi itself; through mobile testing labs, to be deployed by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoH&FW) and ICMR, in areas where poor and vulnerable sections of the society reside; by temporarily shifting some testing labs from other parts of the country, where they are unutilized, to Delhi; and, by utilizing spare capacity in neighboring regions of Delhi. This was considered essential in order to bring down the positivity rate in Delhi, which has gone up substantially in recent weeks.

            Shri Amit Shah also directed that the hospital capacity and availability of other medical infrastructure should be ramped up considerably. It was decided that 250-300 additional beds with ICUs would be added to the existing medical facility of DRDO at Dhaula Kuan, where, presently, around 250 beds have been provided with ICUs, out of the total available 1000 Covid-19 beds. The 10,000 bed Covid Care Centre established at Chattarpur would also be strengthened, with a view to enhance availability of beds with oxygen capacity. Home Minister directed MOHF&W to make arrangements for requisite numbers of BIPAP machines and high flow nasal canulas to the Delhi Government within the next 48 hours.

            In view of the shortage of medical staff in Delhi, the Modi Government has decided to provide additional doctors and paramedical staff from the CAPFs and they would soon be airlifted to Delhi. It was also decided that dedicated multi-departmental teams would visit all the private hospitals in Delhi, to physically check the availability of Covid-19 medical infrastructure vis-a-vis the admission status, and to ensure that the correct position of availability was displayed prominently, as had been decided earlier. A few identified hospitals of the Municipal Corporations of Delhi (MCD) would also be converted as dedicated hospitals for Covid-19 treatment, especially for accommodating patients with milder symptoms. The strengthening of medical infrastructure should ensure that sufficient number of beds/ventilators/ICUs are available to take care of the rising number of cases in Delhi. It was also decided that MOHF&W will issue a standard protocol for plasma therapy and plasma administration for treatment of COVID-19 patients immediately.

            The Home Minister also emphasized that the entire set of containment measures instituted earlier, such as establishment of containment zones, contact tracing and quarantining, and screening, particularly of vulnerable sections of society, should be reviewed continuously, so that there are no gaps in implementing these measures. There should be no letup in strictly enforcing these containment strategies. The concerned officers, particularly those at District levels, would be personally responsible for ensuring compliance in this regard, and any deviation observed in this regard would be viewed seriously.  Home Minister, specifically emphasized the need to keep track of Covid-19 patients, who are in home isolation, and to ensure that they are shifted to regular hospitals, as soon as urgent medical attention is deemed necessary. It was also decided that house-to-house survey in the entire Delhi will be conducted by the teams of AIIMS, Government of NCT of Delhi and Municipal Corporations (MCDs) of Delhi; thereafter, all the symptomatic persons found in the survey would be tested and provided the necessary treatment.

 Home Minister directed that there should be a strong communication strategy to educate people on Covid-19 appropriate behavior, and inform them about the negative impact of the disease on long term medical and health parameters. He also directed the authorities of Delhi Government and Commissioner of police (CP), Delhi, to strictly enforce the necessary measures, especially wearing of face masks, so that there is no laxity in observance of Covid-19 appropriate behavior.

In the end, Home Minister reiterated the urgent need to bring down the incidence of Covid-19 in Delhi, and also ensure that there were no gaps in providing timely requisite medical treatment to the affected persons, particularly those who are poor and vulnerable. He informed that the situation of Covid-19 in Delhi, as also in the neighboring areas of the National Capital Region (NCR), would be reviewed on a continuous basis over the coming weeks.

Amit Shah directs slew of measures for controlling Covid 19

  • RT-PCR testing capacity in Delhi to be doubled
  • House-to-house survey in the entire Delhi by AIIMS
  • More ICU beds to be added
  • Dedicated multi-departmental teams to visit all the private hospitals

Union Home Minister Amit Shah directs slew of measures for controlling the spread of Covid-19 in Delhi at a review meeting

In view of the shortage of medical staff in Delhi, it was decided to provide additional doctors and paramedical staff from the CAPFs and they would soon be airlifted to Delhi

Shri Amit Shah directs Ministry of Health & Family Welfare to make arrangements for requisite numbers of BIPAP machines and high flow nasal canulas to the Delhi Government within the next 48 hours

House-to-house survey in the entire Delhi to be conducted by the teams of AIIMS, Government of NCT of Delhi and MCDs

MOHF&W to issue a standard protocol for plasma therapy and plasma administration for treatment of COVID-19 patients immediately

Mobile testing labs to be deployed by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and ICMR in areas where poor and vulnerable sections of the society reside

250-300 beds with ICUs to be added to the existing medical facility of DRDO at Dhaula Kuan

The 10,000 bed Covid Care Centre established at Chattarpur will also be strengthened with a view to enhance availability of beds with oxygen capacity

Dedicated multi-departmental teams to visit all the private hospitals in Delhi to physically check the availability of Covid-19 medical infrastructure vis-a-vis the admission status

Union Home Minister specifically emphasized the need to keep track of Covid-19 patients who are in home isolation and ensure that they are shifted to regular hospitals as soon as urgent medical attention is deemed necessary

Authorities of Delhi Government and Commissioner of Police, Delhi, to strictly enforce the necessary measures, especially wearing of face masks, so that there is no laxity in observance of Covid-19 appropriate behaviorPosted Date:- Nov 15, 2020

Union Home Minister Shri Amit Shah today reviewed the Covid-19 situation in Delhi, in the backdrop of rising number of cases and the increasing strain on the capacity of medical infrastructure in the hospitals of the Capital. The meeting was attended by Union Health Minister, Lt. Governor, Delhi; Chief Minister, Delhi; Health Minister, Delhi; Home Secretary; Secretary, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW); Dr. V.K Paul; Director, AIIMS; Director General, ICMR; Secretary, DRDO; Director General, Armed Forces Medical Services (DGAFMS) and other senior officials.

            At the outset, Dr VK Paul made a presentation, which highlighted the deteriorating situation of Covid-19 in Delhi. It was pointed out that the number of active cases per day has increased substantially. While the Case Fatality Rate (CFR) continues to remain in control, the health and medical infrastructure, such as dedicated Covid-19 beds, beds with ventilators, and ICUs, is already showing signs of strain. Accordingly, it is essential to enhance surveillance, strictly enforce containment measures, increase testing, and rapidly build up the requisite medical infrastructure.

            The Union Home Minister issued a number of directions in the meeting. First, it was directed that the testing capacity for RT-PCR tests would be doubled in Delhi, by optimally utilizing the lab capacity within Delhi itself; through mobile testing labs, to be deployed by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoH&FW) and ICMR, in areas where poor and vulnerable sections of the society reside; by temporarily shifting some testing labs from other parts of the country, where they are unutilized, to Delhi; and, by utilizing spare capacity in neighboring regions of Delhi. This was considered essential in order to bring down the positivity rate in Delhi, which has gone up substantially in recent weeks.

            Shri Amit Shah also directed that the hospital capacity and availability of other medical infrastructure should be ramped up considerably. It was decided that 250-300 additional beds with ICUs would be added to the existing medical facility of DRDO at Dhaula Kuan, where, presently, around 250 beds have been provided with ICUs, out of the total available 1000 Covid-19 beds. The 10,000 bed Covid Care Centre established at Chattarpur would also be strengthened, with a view to enhance availability of beds with oxygen capacity. Home Minister directed MOHF&W to make arrangements for requisite numbers of BIPAP machines and high flow nasal canulas to the Delhi Government within the next 48 hours.

            In view of the shortage of medical staff in Delhi, the Modi Government has decided to provide additional doctors and paramedical staff from the CAPFs and they would soon be airlifted to Delhi. It was also decided that dedicated multi-departmental teams would visit all the private hospitals in Delhi, to physically check the availability of Covid-19 medical infrastructure vis-a-vis the admission status, and to ensure that the correct position of availability was displayed prominently, as had been decided earlier. A few identified hospitals of the Municipal Corporations of Delhi (MCD) would also be converted as dedicated hospitals for Covid-19 treatment, especially for accommodating patients with milder symptoms. The strengthening of medical infrastructure should ensure that sufficient number of beds/ventilators/ICUs are available to take care of the rising number of cases in Delhi. It was also decided that MOHF&W will issue a standard protocol for plasma therapy and plasma administration for treatment of COVID-19 patients immediately.

            The Home Minister also emphasized that the entire set of containment measures instituted earlier, such as establishment of containment zones, contact tracing and quarantining, and screening, particularly of vulnerable sections of society, should be reviewed continuously, so that there are no gaps in implementing these measures. There should be no letup in strictly enforcing these containment strategies. The concerned officers, particularly those at District levels, would be personally responsible for ensuring compliance in this regard, and any deviation observed in this regard would be viewed seriously.  Home Minister, specifically emphasized the need to keep track of Covid-19 patients, who are in home isolation, and to ensure that they are shifted to regular hospitals, as soon as urgent medical attention is deemed necessary. It was also decided that house-to-house survey in the entire Delhi will be conducted by the teams of AIIMS, Government of NCT of Delhi and Municipal Corporations (MCDs) of Delhi; thereafter, all the symptomatic persons found in the survey would be tested and provided the necessary treatment.

 Home Minister directed that there should be a strong communication strategy to educate people on Covid-19 appropriate behavior, and inform them about the negative impact of the disease on long term medical and health parameters. He also directed the authorities of Delhi Government and Commissioner of police (CP), Delhi, to strictly enforce the necessary measures, especially wearing of face masks, so that there is no laxity in observance of Covid-19 appropriate behavior.

In the end, Home Minister reiterated the urgent need to bring down the incidence of Covid-19 in Delhi, and also ensure that there were no gaps in providing timely requisite medical treatment to the affected persons, particularly those who are poor and vulnerable. He informed that the situation of Covid-19 in Delhi, as also in the neighboring areas of the National Capital Region (NCR), would be reviewed on a continuous basis over the coming weeks.

झुग्गीबस्ती के बच्चों के साथ मनाई खुशियों की दीवाली

झुग्गीबस्ती के बच्चों के साथ मनाई खुशियों की दीवाली (मास्क, दीपक, नोटबुक, मिठाई, कपडे, फल व नास्ता आदि गिफ्ट पाकर बच्चों के चहरे खिलखिला उठे)

11 नवंबर जयपुर:

निर्धन, धूमंतु व बेधर बच्चों की शिक्षा, अधिकार, फूड रिलीफ एवं नशामुक्ति के लिए कार्यकरने वाली प्रमुख समाजिक संस्था ह्यूमन लाईफ फाऊण्डेशन जयपुर से जुडे प्रतापगनर के निर्धन घूमंतु बच्चों के लिए कोविड महामारी अभिषाप बनकर आयी है। क्योंकि महामारी में उनके माता-पिता को काम नहीं मिल पा रहा। ऐसे में परिवार में उत्पन्न आर्थिकतंगी के कारण दीवाली पर बच्चों को खशीदेने वाली कुछ भी चीज नहीं मिली- ना मिठाई, ना कपडे, ना पटाखे, ना फुलजडियाँ। इसलिए इसबार ज्यादातर बच्चों के चेहरों पर नीरसता है।

किन्तु समाज में बहुत से भले व संवेदनशील लोग हैं जो ह्यूमन लाईफ फाऊण्डेशन से जुडे इन अभावग्रस्त अबोध बच्चों की त्यौहारी खुशियों की भी चिंता करते हैं और इनकी मदद करके अपनी त्यौहारी खुशियों को दोगुनी करने का प्रयास करते हैं। इस दीवाली पर इन 80 बच्चों की मदद करने के लिए फिट योग संस्था आगे आयी है। आज श्री अरविन्द सजवान के नेत्रृत्व में फिटयोग के करीब 10 कार्यकर्ताओं ने सभी 80 बच्चों को सबसे पहले मास्क वितरति किये और फिर सामाजिक दूरी का पालन करते हुए दीवाली गिफ्ट बांटे। मिठाई का डब्बा, कपडे, दीपक, फल, नास्ता जैसे अनेक गिफ्ट पाकर बच्चों के चहरे खिल खिला उठे। मनीष मीडिया की ओर से बच्चों को नोटबुक एवं स्टेशनरी भी बांटी गई।

कार्यक्रम के अवसर पर ह्यूमन लाईफ फाऊण्डेशन के फाऊण्डर हेमराज चतुर्वेदी ने बच्चों को संबोधित करते हुए कहा कि फिटयोग संस्था के सदस्यों ने आज खुषियां बांटकर मानवता की मिसाल पेष की है। फिटयोग संस्था योग के क्षेत्र में कार्यकरती है और समय-समय गरीब बच्चों की मदद का कार्य भी करती रहती है। उन्होंने बच्चों को प्रेरित करते हुए कहा कि शिक्षित एवं संस्कारवान बनने पर ही लक्ष्मीजी घर में आती है। ह्यूमन लाईफ फाऊण्डेशन अब तक झुग्गीबस्तियों में रहने वाले करीब 1000 से अधिक बच्चों के जीवन में ज्ञान की रोशनी कर चुकी है और सैकडों गरीब बच्चों की नषा से मुक्ति करवाकर उनकी जान बचा चुकी है। इस मौके पर मनीष कुमावत, सुषमा रावत, सुधीर कुमावत व जयप्रकाश सहित कई वोलेन्टीयर्स उपस्थित रहे।